What should Brianna and Roger do next? Take out the equation of the books? That’s something Outlander asked fans, and the fans are divided.
Usually, Outlander polls have one clear winner. That wasn’t the case when the show asked fans what Bree and Roger should do next. The results were a little more like Brexit!
Fans are divided over whether Bree and Roger should remain in the past or head to the future. Of course, we know what happens in the books and what should happen in the show, but there are plenty of viewers out there who haven’t read the books—nor do they want to know what happens in the books. And there’s always the case of the show changing the storyline on us.
Treating it as a normal TV show, fans shared their thoughts. Should Bree and Roger stay or go? It turns out that fans are divided.
There are lots of reasons for fans to be divided, too. Some are on Claire’s and Roger’s sides. The 20th century would be a safer time. Wouldn’t it be better for young Jemmy to grow up there, assuming he can get through the stones, that is? Wouldn’t it be better that he gain the knowledge of the technology in the future? Get the freedoms that the 20th century offers?
Others want the couple and their son to go through the stones so more time is spent on Claire and Jamie. Naturally, some feel like too much time has been taken away from the main couple.
What do you think, clan? Should #BreeAndRoger head back to their time? #Outlander
— Outlander (@Outlander_STARZ) March 2, 2020
Then there are others who want to side with Brianna and Jamie. The family is in the past, so Bree and Roger should remain in the past. It’s time for Roger to stop worrying about what he will do and focus on what he can do.
Despite the storyline already been written out, it’s always interesting to see what fans think the characters should do. It’s certainly interesting to see the reactions towards Bree and Roger’s dilemma.
Take the books out of the equation. What would you think Brianna and Roger should do? Share in the comments below.