Outlander Book 9 Daily Lines: The Fraser family’s shopping list

Outlander -- Courtesy of STARZ
Outlander -- Courtesy of STARZ

Jamie is shopping in the lastest daily lines from Outlander Book 9, Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone. We get a good look at the Fraser family shopping list.

Would you love to live a day in the life of the Frasers? Okay, maybe not literally in the 18th century (I know I wouldn’t), but that doesn’t mean you don’t love to know what life is like for them. We get a glimpse of that in the Outlander Book 9 Daily Lines.

Diana Gabaldon continues writing the final parts of “Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone.” Sadly, it wasn’t completed by the end of the year, but she does say that there are only a few weeks of writing left. It’ll be finished when it’s finished, and published when it’s published. At least we have these Daily Lines to keep us company.

During the latest snippet, Jamie is out shopping. Claire has given him a list of items she needs and has gone into enough detail to help him choose the right items. He better not lose the list, though. Not only would he possibly end up buying the wrong thing but it could be dangerous in the wrong hands. We know what these 18th-century folk are like.

The list is certainly interesting. I love seeing how Claire knows Jamie is going to react to some of the items on the list. Yes, they really do need three ounces of steel pins. We don’t get to know why, but you could just imagine Claire’s face as she’s writing out the list knowing that she just has to trust Jamie to follow it.

While we’ve seen a grand house on the TV series and Claire has been up all night baking a load of bed, the Frasers in the books don’t have that much money. They certainly don’t have enough to waste on items they’re not necessarily going to need, so Claire is making a point that the items on the list are necessary.

Oh, and there are a few items that have been redacted due to spoilers. I can’t wait to see what they are!

#DailyLines #GoTELLTheBEESThatIAmGONE #Book9 #weeksnow #notmonths #dontworryIllTELLyouwhenitsdone …

Posted by Diana Gabaldon on Tuesday, February 25, 2020

The end of the Outlander Book 9 Daily Lines also makes me chuckle. I do want to know why the constable is wondering about some dead man being a jew, but you’ve got to love how Jamie knows how to check!

What answers do you need from snippets of Outlander Book 9? Share them in the comments below.

Outlander Book 9 is still being written. Stay tuned for a release date.