Outlander Book 9 Daily Lines: A reminder of the growth to come

Outlander -- Courtesy of STARZ -- Acquired via STARZ Media Center
Outlander -- Courtesy of STARZ -- Acquired via STARZ Media Center

Diana Gabaldon is still working hard on Outlander Book 9. Daily Lines don’t happen often but the latest is a reminder of the growth still to come.

We’re into 2020 and Diana Gabaldon is still working on the writing for Outlander Book 9. And while Daily Lines are few and far between due to spoilery content as she gets into the later chapter, there are still some reveals. The latest Daily Lines for “Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone” offers a reminder of how much growth there has been in the story.

Those who watch the series first won’t realize just how much the novels have grown from just being Claire’s story about Jamie. Now there are other characters telling their tales or tales of others from their points of view. It started with Roger in the second novel and we’ve since seen Jamie, Brianna, Lord John Grey, and more get their own chapters.

The latest Daily Lines post is told from William Ransom’s point of view. Yes, Jamie’s son gets his story told, which brings Lord John Grey into the picture more. The two go through a tremendous journey as secrets are revealed, and this latest Daily Lines from Outlander Book 9 makes it look like the two are getting back to being on speaking terms.

Diana Gabaldon attempts to avoid as many spoilers as possible. However, she does tease. And she assumes that you’re going to be caught up on all other novels if you’re going to read these Daily Lines, so there’s no explanation of who some of the characters are. In this one, there are some teases and minor spoilers of things that have happened, but nothing major.

Enjoy the latest Daily Lines for “Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone.”

#DailyLines #GoTELLTheBEESThatIAmGONE #Book9 #NO #No #no #ItsNotFinished #GettingRealCloseThough …

Posted by Diana Gabaldon on Thursday, January 23, 2020

What do you love about the Outlander books? What do you hope to learn about William or Lord John Grey in the ninth book? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Outlander Book 9 is still being written. Like Claire and Jamie on Facebook for the release date as soon as we have it.