Outlander Season 5 will see more growth in the Regulator’s storyline. Including Murtagh into it certainly makes it more compelling and intense.
The Regulator’s storyline is used in “The Fiery Cross,” and the build-up to the Battle of Alamance is certainly interesting. However, cementing Murtagh into that storyline in Outlander Seasons 4 and 5 has certainly made it more compelling.
We have someone we know and love in a major part of the storyline. There’s a new conflict, a new reason for Jamie to be torn. Had it just been a group of men he knew but had no familial connection to, Jamie wouldn’t be as torn as he is with Murtagh. After all, there’s no way that he would want to kill his godfather, whether he’s been ordered to do it or not. He’ll do some of his duty, but he’ll also find a way to avoid anything involving Murtagh.
And that’s where this extra conflict comes in. It’s where the story becomes more compelling. We’re not just looking at the tale of the Regulators, a side that historically loses at the Battle of Alamance. We now have someone we love on the opposite side of a battle to Jamie; someone he loves on the opposite side.
Jamie and Murtagh need to find a way to avoid losing their bond with each other while avoiding legal trouble for Jamie. After all, Jamie made an oath to Tryon. He either goes through with the orders or he loses his land. His wife, children, and grandchildren are put in more danger than they’re already in during the 18th century. He’s not going to risk his family’s safety, and that makes his decisions much harder.
We’re drawn into the Regulator’s story on a more personal level with Murtagh, too. We know how he feels and why he feels that way. We care about what happens to him. And while there are some who wish the show would have kept Murtagh’s storyline the way it was in the books, there’s no doubt that he’s been an excellent inclusion into the Colonies storyline because of this.
There’s a chance to hear about the Regulators tales through him. We get a chance to see storylines with a fan-favorite character leading the way, giving us more of a connection overall. But at the same time, we fear for the outcome. I think there’s only one way this can end for Murtagh, and I’m going to be devastated if my thoughts are right. That makes this whole storyline all the more compelling, intriguing, and dramatic than it already was.
What do you think about Murtagh’s inclusion into the Outlander Season 5 storyline? How do you think it’s going to end? Share your thoughts in the comments below.