Outlander Season 5 is going to see Brianna get the chance to integrate more with her family. Hopefully, there will be a chance to bond with Marsali.
As we get ready for Outlander Season 5, there are some bonds that still need to form. The bond between Marsali and Brianna is one of those, which I was disappointed not to see get started in Season 4.
To mark Day 18 of the 25 Days of MacBree-mas, I’m taking the time to share my hopes for these two sisters-in-law.
Brianna already bonded with Joanie
We’ve already see Brianna bond with Marsali’s sister, Joanie. Brianna was quick to form a friendship with her, which led to Joanie helping Brianna get out of the locked room and over to Lallybroch.
This is something Brianna can mention when meeting Marsali for the first time. At least, meeting her on-screen for the first time in Outlander Season 5. Brianna can talk about the goodness in Joanie’s heart, something that Marsali will certainly appreciate. They’ll just have to agree not to talk about Laoghaire!
Bonding over children
The two are new mothers. This is certainly something for them to bond over. Marsali has a slightly older child, and if the show follows the books, she should have a second (at least on the way). As Brianna struggles in some aspects of being a mother, it would be perfect for Marsali to be there to offer advice and suggestions.
Young mothers should stick together. They’d be great for juggling the children between each other, in a similar way Claire would try to help Jenny with the bairns in Lallybroch. However, this time, it’s two mothers together with different challenges and different questions.

Bonding over expectations of women
Marsali is, in a way, a woman ahead of her time. When she and Fergus lived in Wilmington, she found a way to support them with her sewing. Nobody wanted to hire Fergus because of his missing hand. In that time, people didn’t want to hire a cripple. We just have to look at the discrimination that can still happen today to realize the truth.
It wasn’t common for a woman to support her family in the 18th century. Those who did it were usually widows, forced to raise their children alone, and often in poverty. Marsali wasn’t going to let Germain suffer because of the lack of support from others.
Marsali and Brianna will be able to bond over expectations of women but how they want to provide for their children. They’ll be able to bond over their men, who don’t necessarily have a way to provide for them—Fergus is better suited for the time with knowledge, but Roger has both his hands, yet they will still both struggle.
How could you see Brianna and Marsali bonding in Outlander Season 5? What would you like to see from the two? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
Outlander Season 5 premieres on Feb. 16 on STARZ. Like Claire and Jamie on Facebook for more 25 Days of MacBree-mas straight to your feed.