25 Days of MacBree-mas Day 16: Best Brianna moments in 2019

Outlander -- Courtesy of STARZ -- Acquired via STARZ Media Center
Outlander -- Courtesy of STARZ -- Acquired via STARZ Media Center
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Outlander Land Con 3
Outlander — Courtesy of STARZ — Acquired via STARZ Media Center

2. Accepting the rape wasn’t her fault

I know there are people who dislike that Jamie attacked Brianna to prove a point to her, but Jamie did have little time. Plus, we can’t expect Jamie to work with modern-day thoughts and beliefs. Jamie needed to help Brianna see that Bonnet raping her wasn’t her fault; that there was nothing she could have done.

When Brianna was raped, all fight left her. She couldn’t fight Bonnet off. In fact, she didn’t even try. Afterward, she was able to assess what she did or didn’t do. She could look back with hope that maybe there was a chance she could have fought Bonnet off.

Jamie has to help her see that she couldn’t. The only way was through the physical attack, helping Brianna realize that Bonnet would have killed her had she not just accepted the attack.

1. Facing Bonnet

While Brianna had to accept the rape wasn’t her fault, that didn’t mean she had to live in fear of Bonnet. During Outlander Season 4, Episode 12, Brianna headed to the jail to face Bonnet. She needed to make one thing clear: he would have nothing to do with their child.

Believing Bonnet to be the father, she had to make it clear that Bonnet would never be remembered. He would have no power over her, and there’s no way that this child would know about Bonnet’s actions.

It was an excellent storyline for Brianna. She’d gone from just trying to live with the idea of being raped to facing her attacking and throwing him home truths that scared everything out of him.

What did you think of Brianna’s journey in Outlander Season 4? What were the moments from the 2019 episodes that stood out the most for you? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Outlander Season 5 premieres on Feb. 16 on STARZ. Like Claire and Jamie on Facebook for more