There are some who say that Brianna and Roger are just another Claire and Jamie that we don’t need on Outlander. That’s not the case at all!
While Outlander started with the focus on Claire and Jamie, there’s a new couple in town. Roger and Brianna are getting more screentime, and that’s only going to continue as we get further into the story. However, they’re not just another Claire and Jamie.
I’m not writing this as a way to cause controversy. To mark Day 12 on the 25 Days of MacBree-mas, I want to focus on what makes Bree and Roger stand out as a couple. What makes them different?
They’re both modern people heading to the past
Let’s start with the fact that the two are from the “present day.” It’s still the past to us considering we’re heading into 2020, but it’s the present day for the book/show. The two are modern people, albeit Brianna more modern than Roger due to age difference.
The two have headed to the past, both intentionally with their own purposes. Brianna wanted to warn her parents about the fire, while Roger wanted to protect Brianna.
Their motives, their actions, everything is different to Claire and Jamie. Claire went through the stones unintentionally in the first place. She was forced into a marriage with Jamie, which would lead to her falling deeply and madly in love with him. We got the modern and the past joined together, with both learning considerably from each other.
They’ve had chance to get to know each other first
Outlander threw Claire and Jamie in the deep end. They had to learn as much about each other as quickly as they could. They needed to form a bond, which was certainly not difficult considering the chemistry they’d already started with.
That certainly wasn’t the case for Brianna and Roger. The two had the chance to get to know each other first, without the pressure of them having to be together. There was no rush for the two to get married, allowing them to marry entirely for love.
Things have certainly changed for Bree and Roger, though. They handfasted out of love, and now they are marrying due to the situation. Although, I do strongly get the feeling that Roger would have returned to Brianna and married her regardless.
Their circumstances are vastly different
Brianna and Roger’s circumstances have certainly been different to Claire and Jamie. Both have received different upbringings and different life experiences. They have brought something entirely different to the table when it comes to ways to support the family.
Brianna has an engineer’s mind, while Roger knows more about the history. Roger also brings a lot of the heart and compassion to the series, unable to let others suffer for the sake of himself. While we get the sense that Claire and Jamie would also be like that, there are times that they have taken necessary steps against people to manipulate events.
The story of Brianna and Roger coming together has been under different strifes and situations. While Claire and Jamie married because of Black Jack Randall and the threat to Claire, Brianna and Roger have had a chance to find their way to each other. Of course, that way has involved a dangerous and scary ride.
These two couples have brought something unique to the table. While there have been elements of Bree and Roger’s relationship that has mirrored Claire and Jamie in terms of setting, they offer something unique for readers.
What do you think of Brianna and Roger’s relationship? What would you like to see from them in Outlander Season 5? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
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