6. Bonding with Adawehi
I wish that this was a relationship we could have seen develop more. Claire had so much to learn from Adawehi and there was a mutual respect between them. We only got a glimpse of the bonding at the start of Episode 5, but it was perfect.
Claire has always been open to other cultures. She’s been kind and understanding, learning what she can and respecting something she doesn’t understand. In the past, we’ve seen the sympathy for the Highlanders, the caring of the slaves, and the kindness towards Mr. Willoughby. Season 4 brought us her learning, acceptance, and understanding of the Native tribes and a lot of it is through her time with Adawehi.
5. Seeking comfort from Jamie
While Jamie was learning that Murtagh was in Wilmington, Claire was dealing with trouble. She had learned that Adawehi had been killed and feared that the German man was going to kill her after his daughter and grandchild were killed from the measles.
She’d barely slept while Jamie was away. However, she remained strong and alert. All that strength disappeared the minute Jamie returned.
Despite being a strong character, she knew that she could show weakness around Jamie. She trusted him to just hold her and keep her safe. As much as she had the ability to protect herself for a short period of time, she was willing to allow Jamie to protect her and keep her safe. And I love that we saw this “weaker” side to her — there’s strength in admitting that she needed him.