15 best Jamie moments in Outlander Season 4

Outlander -- Courtesy of STARZ -- Acquired via STARZ Media Center
Outlander -- Courtesy of STARZ -- Acquired via STARZ Media Center
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Photo credit: Outlander/Starz Image acquired via Starz Media Room
Photo credit: Outlander/Starz Image acquired via Starz Media Room

12. Carrying Claire over the threshold

When building the cabin, there was a moment we got to see. For the first time ever, Jamie was able to carry his bride over the threshold. He’d never had a chance to do this before, even at Lallybroch.

There was this moment between them. In a way, they were like their 20-something selves. Yet, there was also the maturity between them. It was clear the two were still making up for lost time.

11. Bringing the “bear” back

While the show changed the bear scene, it was one of the more enjoyable changes for me. This felt a little more realistic, especially for the show characters we’ve got to know.

But it wasn’t just the kill that I loved. Jamie took the bear back to the Cherokees. He shared what he had done and that it was never a bear in the first place. Everything started to come together in his head, as he realized that the Cherokee knew exactly who and what was attacking.

More importantly, Jamie had the chance to show that he could be a good neighbor. He just wanted a chance to build a relationship with the Cherokee and he managed to gain their respect through his actions.

10. Hunting with Willie (and protecting him from the Natives)

I’ve joined two moments together for this, because they are from the same Outlander Season 4 episode. We got a chance to see Jamie be a father to Willie without ever telling Willie the truth. However, I do think that there’s a part of Willie that now doubts things – remember, I’m a show-first fan right now!

Protecting Willie from the Natives was certainly a standout moment. Jamie admitted to being Willie’s father, even though Willie stood up saying that that wasn’t the case. However, it was the whole hunting experience that I adored.

Willie and Jamie got a chance to talk. Jamie admitted his faults for leaving – and why he left the way he did – while Willie had the chance to see Jamie in another light. He learned all about hunting and the uses of certain items from the kill. There was a chance to open up about his loss and his fears, something that Willie probably never thought he’d do.

There’s a lot of development needed for the two of them. I can only hope the show has a chance to offer it.