2. Why does Claire assume she’s the one infertile?
I’ll admit that one thing that annoyed me was Claire assuming she was the one infertile. While this may have been an assumption of Frank’s and even one made around other people, I’m surprised Claire — as a nurse — didn’t even consider that Frank could have been the one that couldn’t have children.
This was something that had come up earlier in Outlander Season 1. It shouldn’t have been surprising the conversation would come up again, especially as Claire fell in love with Jamie. I loved Jamie’s reaction but you could tell that he was hurt by the idea of not having a child.
1. I wish Claire and Jenny got more time together
At the end of the episode, there’s a moment where Claire and Jenny sit on the steps of Lallybroch waiting for Jamie and Ian. They have this sisterly moment that I wish, dearly, they could have developed more. In the novel, it is developed a little better because of time, but the show certainly did a good enough job of it.
However, I just wish that there was more time. One of the reasons I love fan fiction is because there’s a chance to see stories of if Claire remained in the past, if Jamie and Claire were never part of the Jacobite rising, and if Claire and Jamie managed to have a normal life at Lallybroch.
What are your thoughts when you rewatch episodes? What did you think of Outlander Season 1, Episode 13 the first time you watched? Let me know in the comments below.
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