20 best moments throughout Outlander Season 4

Outlander -- Courtesy of STARZ -- Acquired via STARZ Media Center
Outlander -- Courtesy of STARZ -- Acquired via STARZ Media Center
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Outlander — Courtesy of STARZ — Acquired via STARZ Media Center
Outlander — Courtesy of STARZ — Acquired via STARZ Media Center

10. Seeing Laoghaire’s side of the story

I know this isn’t a moment that everyone loves, but I adored that Outlander Season 4 gave us a chance to see a story from another side. We got to see Laoghaire’s view of Jamie, without even knowing who Brianna was. She fully believed that she and Jamie were meant to be.

Of course, we also got to see Laoghaire’s transformation within the course of an episode. There was a chance to see her bitterness still, as well as her reliance on men because she is a woman of her time.

9. Willie looking back at Jamie

While Lord John Grey suffered from the measles, Jamie took Willie out and helped him understand more about the Colonies while grieving for his mother. This was also a chance for the two to bond after Willie remembered who Jamie was.

It was the ending that I loved the most. Jamie mentioned that he never looked back because he didn’t want to give Willie hope. Taking that on board, Willie looked back to give Jamie the hope he needed in that moment. They would meet again.