18. The use of Frank flashbacks
Throughout “Down the Rabbit Hole,” we got a series of flashbacks of Frank. They were from Brianna’s view, as she started to think of the father she was leaving behind. This was the man who raised her and she felt guilty for wanting to meet her biological father.
What I loved about the Frank flashbacks was seeing a different side to him. Up to this point, we’d seen him as a historian and a husband. Now, we got the chance to see him as a father. Everyone is different around various people in their lives, and we got that chance to see it with Frank.
17. Claire and Jamie working as a team
While at the theater, Claire and Jamie had to work as a team. This is one of the moments that goes down as one of the best for the two together throughout Outlander. At first, it seems like a small moment, but the teamwork between the two is something we hadn’t really seen properly since Season 2.
Claire never once questioned why she needed to create a diversion. The pressure was on to give Jamie time to help Murtagh, but Claire just got to work. Meanwhile, Jamie knew that he could trust his wife to offer the diversion he needed to warn Murtagh of the trap.