4. Jenny Fraser Murray
Who she was: Jenny Fraser Murray needs absolutely no introduction, am I right? The sister of Jamie, she’s a stubborn woman and has the ability to make people a foot taller than her feel like they’re inches small. She’s not afraid to say her mind and makes it clear that you shouldn’t mess with her.
Jenny was introduced in the very first season, happy that her brother was returned but angry that he had been “missing” for so long. She was also disgusted that Jamie would just assume that Jenny’s son, Young Jamie, was the illegitimate child of Black Jack Randall.
We got to see Jenny as the woman of the house. She made sure Lallybroch and the tenants were taken care of while Jamie was away. Her actions were those that were needed.
Claire and Jenny built a bond very quickly but this was put to the test in the third season. We didn’t get to see Jenny in Outlander Season 4 (although she is in the books) but it was clear that she was still a family woman — both a proud mother and grandmother.
Take inspiration from her because: Jenny isn’t afraid to speak her mind, which certainly comes from the Fraser stubbornness. Despite being a woman of her time, she also takes a stand when she needs to. She’s able to track just weeks after giving birth. This is a woman who steps up and supports her family.
While initially she can seem standoffish, she will let people in. She offers her friendship and loyalty to those who deserve it but it’s also quickly taken away. While it could be a fault, it’s also motherly and family instincts. She’s protecting the people around her from those she doesn’t trust and that protection is something to take this International Women’s Day.