Outlander is a book and TV series that doesn’t limit the women of the time. While this may be Claire’s story of Jamie, there are many more women to gain inspiration from. Here are five to turn to this International Women’s Day.
International Women’s Day is a time to celebrate the women who have supported women’s rights over the years. It’s a chance to look at the real women today who continue to push this. But I want to put an Outlander spin on it since this is a fan site.
Claire is certainly a woman who will stand out. She’s strong-willed, stubborn, passionate, and the lead female in the series. Whether book or show, this is Claire’s story about Jamie and we get a chance to see her grow as she learns more about the world of the 18th century, along with limitation and expectations of women.
However, I want to focus on the other women in the series. After all, Claire may be one strong and inspirational woman but she is definitely not alone. I know there is going to be at least one woman on this list that you won’t initially agree with being on here, but I urge you to look deeper into my reasons for the positives we can take away from the characters.
We’re looking at from Seasons 1 to 4 of the TV show (so books 1-4). Anything after that point is left out to remain spoiler-free for anyone who hasn’t read past the first four books.