20 best Outlander moments from 2018

Outlander -- Courtesy of STARZ -- Acquired via STARZ Media Center
Outlander -- Courtesy of STARZ -- Acquired via STARZ Media Center
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Outlander — Courtesy of STARZ — Acquired via STARZ Media Center
Outlander — Courtesy of STARZ — Acquired via STARZ Media Center

8. Willie looking back at Jamie

When it happened: In Episode 6, we had the chance to catch up with Lord John Grey, while seeing that reunion between Jamie and Willie. More importantly, it gave Jamie and Willie some time to bond and get to know each other after years apart. After finding out that Jamie didn’t look back at Helwater because he didn’t want to give Willie hope, Willie glanced back as he left Fraser’s Ridge.

Why it was perfect: Just seeing this whole story play out was absolutely beautiful. We had the chance to see Jamie and Willie get to know each other. Willie still had no idea about the truth. At least, that’s the way it seems. Part of me wonders if that glance was also part of Willie wondering whether Jamie really is his father.

More importantly, this moment was just a chance to see a mirror of a previous episode. We’d already covered the reminder that Jamie never looked back. In this moment, Willie gave Jamie the hope he was craving for.

7. Brianna and Roger reuniting in Wilmington

When it happened: With everyone in Wilmington, it was only a matter of time for everyone to finally reunite. For Brianna and Roger, that came much sooner than later. Just as Roger was about to give up the search in Episode 8, he heard Brianna’s voice, and the two reconnected.

Why it was perfect: This whole moment brought the mixture of emotions that came with a reunion of such scale. Brianna hadn’t realized that Roger was even here looking for her. She hadn’t intended for him to come. As relieved as she was to see him, she was also shocked, confused, and a little angry.

At the same time, Roger was relieved and happy to finally find Brianna. He’s spent months trailing through Scotland, heading across the Atlantic, and looking around Wilmington. This is a man who risked life and limb to get to Brianna and he was ecstatic that it had all paid off.