5 best Jamie moments in Outlander Season 4, Episode 2

Photo credit: Outlander/Starz Image acquired via Starz Media Room
Photo credit: Outlander/Starz Image acquired via Starz Media Room
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Outlander Season 4, EPisode 2 recap
Photo credit: Outlander/Starz Image acquired via Starz Media Room

2. Trying to make the slaves free people

Claire refuses to own slaves. Honestly, considering the situation and law, I still think they would be better with someone like Claire owning them than whoever else could take over the plantation, but that’s a subject for another day. This is all about Jamie, who agrees with Claire that owning slaves is bad and decides to find a way to free them.

This leads to an important part of the episode — the reasoning why the slaves can’t be freed. This isn’t just about “this is how it’s done” but about showing the blocks put in place against Jamie freeing them. Not only does it take money and a good deed, but he’d need plenty of people around him who support those views and he doesn’t have them.

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1. Finding a way to help the slave’s soul

In the end, it’s clear that the slave who Claire has saved can’t be allowed to live. If Jamie doesn’t deliver the slave to the angry mob, the mob will destroy the whole plantation. There are too many of them vs. Claire and Jamie.

However, Jamie doesn’t want to put this slave through unnecessary pain and torture. It’s Ulysses that helps them understand what they need to do next and Jamie works with Claire to take the next steps.

However, what I love the most is the prayer at the end. After Claire helps to save the slave’s soul, Jamie prays for forgiveness for them and to make sure the slave is looked after by God.

What were your favorite moments from the episode? Which Jamie moments stood out the most in Outlander Season 4, Episode 2? Share yours in the comments below.

Outlander airs Sundays at 8/7c on STARZ.