7 biggest takeaways from the Outlander Season 4 official trailer

Photo credit: Outlander/Starz Image acquired via Starz Media Room
Photo credit: Outlander/Starz Image acquired via Starz Media Room /
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Photo by Gareth Cattermole/Getty Images
Photo by Gareth Cattermole/Getty Images /

#3. Stephen Bonnet is a confident man

Stephen Bonnet is described as being worse than Randall. I guess this will depend on what you find worse. While he’s a chameleon, it’s possibly difficult to find someone as sadistic and evil as Black Jack Randall.

Regardless, we get to develop more of an opinion about Stephen Bonnet in the Outlander Season 4 trailer. This time we see him in a number of scenes, but it’s not always clear who he is talking to. At some points, it looks like he’s facing off against Jamie–and there’s definitely a scene where Jamie pushes Bonnet up against a tree.

There’s one scene that looks like Bonnet is on a ship with Brianna. This could be the big Brianna scene we know is coming, since the setting would suit it.

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An alternative is that it’s Roger in that scene. Pause the clip at exactly 1-minute-11-seconds to make up your own mind.

Whoever is in which scene, there’s one thing for certain. Stephen Bonnet is a confident man. He’ll work with who he needs to for however long to make sure he’s safe. This is a man who will do what he needs and always put himself first.