Outlander Season 1, Episode 3: 5 thoughts while rewatching The Way Out

Photo credit: Outlander/Starz Image acquired via Starz Media Room
Photo credit: Outlander/Starz Image acquired via Starz Media Room /
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Photo credit: Outlander/Starz Image acquired via Starz Media Room
Photo credit: Outlander/Starz Image acquired via Starz Media Room /

3. Laoghaire is completely infatuated

There’s a lot of hate for Laoghaire MacKenzie. I get it, I do. I just can’t hate her and it’s in this episode that I’m constantly reminded why I can’t hate her. This is a young girl in the 18th century. She has no choice but to find a man to marry and she wants to make sure she marries a good man she’s attracted to.

That’s not easy! So it’s not surprising she sets her eyes on Jamie.

What’s clear in this episode is that she’s completely infatuated with Jamie. This is more than just a teenage crush. She remembers him from his first time at the castle about six or seven years ago.

As Jamie puts it, she would have only been seven or eight. That’s young to gain this memory and still have this fascination over the man.

What didn’t help this was Jamie stepping up to take her punishment in the previous episode. While it was gentlemanly, it gave Laoghaire an idea that he was interested. She suddenly had a man to grab and, hopefully, marry in her eyes.

Everything I see Laoghaire do is the product of her being a teenager in the time period. And it all comes back to the moment in the hall.