7. The Relief of Belsen
Character: Derrick Sington
Air date: Oct. 15, 2007
About the character: Derrick Sington is one of the officers involved in the relief of the concentration camp Bergen Belsen. This is set at a time before the concentration camp was known about, so everyone walks in to find the staggering realities of World War II.
As a fairly stereotypical officer in World War II, Derrick has some of his least liked moments towards the beginning, finding some amusement in telling a rabbi that “I’m afraid it’s mainly your crowd” when discussing the prisoners that were held.
Why it deserves a spot: The TV movie as a whole deserves to be on this list, as it brings the stark realities of learning about Bergen Belsen. Very few knew what was going on in Europe with the concentration camps and this was how some of the men in the military learned.
While Tobias Menzies’ role is small, it’s still an important one. We get a chance to see how different people dealt with the situation. While typhus is the main concern, the prisoners have been malnourished and the soldiers struggle to help prevent them from dying. It’s a powerful part of history that needs to be preserved.