4. The sounds from the stones are different to later
In the second season, we hear a buzzing from the stones. Claire, Brianna, and Roger all hear it. That’s not what you hear in the Outlander premiere. There’s no buzzing or extremely loud noises pulling Claire anywhere.
Since reading the books, the sounds used in the premiere seem a little closer to what is described. There’s more of a sense of people possibly stuck in the stones–those who get lost along the way through time.
There’s also a sound of drumming. It’s more like you’d expect from Druid or Pagan ritual. It seemed more fitting after the previous ritual at the stones. Every time I rewatch the Outlander series premiere and am reminded of this sound, I get a little disappointed in the future sound near the stones.

3. We don’t get to see the bond between Claire and Mrs. Graham
The first time I ever watched the Outlander Season 2 premiere, I struggled with Claire’s decision to trust Mrs. Graham. I never got the sense of bond between the two. The more I watch the series premiere I understand why it felt so odd.
We never really got a chance to see a bond form between the two characters. There was never a reason for Claire to trust Mrs. Graham would really understand or even believe her. Of course, it was a risk she was taking considering everything she’d been through, but it really was this episode that failed to create that sort of relationship.
This is a problem with turning a book series into a TV series. So much can be lost. Mind you, just having one scene between Mrs. Graham and Claire after the tea leaves might have helped to ease some of the discomfort I felt in the premiere of the second season.