4. The Man in the High Castle Q&A panel
Another show that may interest you as an Outlander fan is The Man in the High Castle. It’s another book adaptation, based on history. The difference is that it’s alternate history. Set with the premise of “what if Nazi Germany won the war?” the show takes us through life in the 1960s in America. The States are separated in two parts: one part dominated by Germany and the other by the Japanese.
The show is going into its third season, although an exact release date hasn’t been given yet. It’s sometime in the fall, but likely September or early October, since it’s at SDCC 2018. It also stars Victoria‘s Rufus Sewell and he will be there along with Stars Alexa Davalos, Jason O’Mara and Stephen Root along with EPs Isa Dick Hackett and Dan Percival.
Be at Room 6A at 4:15 p.m. PT on Saturday for the Q&A panel, where hopefully a trailer will be released.