A reunion between Fergus and Claire
After the talk of lost children, it was time for Jamie to get on with business. That meant going to the town square, where Fergus was waiting for Jamie. Of course, Fergus was shocked to see Claire back and she quickly needed to come up with a story for her disappearance for all this time. Fergus clearly doesn’t seem to care. He’s just glad Claire is back, but it’s clear that it’s bad for Jamie.
Fergus tries to bring it up, but Jamie cuts him off. They’ll have to talk to Ned Gowan later to find out where they stand with this problem, which we know is Laoghaire.
When they head to the tavern so Jamie can take care of business, Claire continues to learn more about Jamie’s life. This leads to meeting Mr. Willoughby, who Claire instantly finds some sort of bond with.
After this, it’s time to go to another “tavern.” This time, a brothel, which Claire clearly is uncomfortable about.
The awkward bedroom reunion
After an already innocent awkward reunion in this Outlander Season 3 episode, Claire and Jamie finally get a chance to come together in the bedroom. Both are worried of what the other will think of their bodies after 20 years. They are nervous about being together again and it’s a little like “The Wedding” in a sense.
Their time together is just as passionate and loving, though. They reconnect sexually, which helps them reconnect as a couple again. The two have a chance to talk a little more, which is when Jamie has a chance to bring up Laoghaire but chooses against it. Understandably, he wants this moment to last longer.
The next morning, Jamie continues with his business and that’s when Young Ian walks into the room and assumes Claire is Jamie’s “woman” from the brothel. However, he’s shocked, happy, and excited all at the same time to find out she’s his Aunt Claire. This 16-year-old doesn’t care where she’s been all this time or what she’s been doing–of course, there are questions but he’s just happy to finally meet his Aunt Claire.
When Young Ian leaves, Claire has breakfast with the other women in the brothel, until the madame shoos her out. By the time she gets back to her room, a man is there going through Jamie’s things. He threatens her, advancing to her just as the credits go to black. Of course, nothing is ever without its drama in Outlander Season 3!
Next: Outlander Season 3, Episode 5 recap
What did you think of the anticipated reunion? Did the print shop work for you in Outlander Season 3? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
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