#TBT: 10 best moments from Outlander Season 2

Photo credit: Outlander/Starz Image acquired via Starz Media Room
Photo credit: Outlander/Starz Image acquired via Starz Media Room /
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Photo credit: Outlander/Starz Image acquired via Starz Media Room
Photo credit: Outlander/Starz Image acquired via Starz Media Room /

#6. Dougal’s look as he died

While I knew Dougal MacKenzie had to die in some way, I wasn’t quite prepared for the way it happened. Graham McTavish is a wonderful actor and I enjoyed every single moment when he was on the screen. However, it was Dougal’s look as he died that stole it for the character. There was that mixture of shock, disbelief, but acceptance all at the same time. He knew that either he or Jamie was going to win and his nephew had the upper hand (and Claire to help).

While I would have liked to see him get a warrior’s death on the battlefield, this one was fitting. A staunch Jacobite, it wasn’t surprising that he never really trusted Jamie and Claire. He may have wanted to, but deep down he knew there was something strange about how the two had barely mentioned it to suddenly being one of Bonnie Prince Charlie’s most trusted couple.


The fight between uncle and nephew had certainly been a long time coming. There had been threats over the years, so it wasn’t surprising to see it finally play out.

One of the only things that I was disappointed in was that Claire helped. This should have just been between the two of them. By Claire helping, it showed that Jamie wasn’t strong enough on his own. Sure, it meant both had blood on their hands, but the death was still diminished in a way. Maybe that was the reason for part of the look; Dougal knew that he couldn’t win against two.