Episode 1: Through the Glass, Darkly
Many fans get to Outlander Season 2 a little confused. They see Claire in the 1940s, dressed in her 18th century clothing, questioning about the Battle of Culloden. Considering the events of the Season 1 finale, it’s easy to see why some people believe they’ve missed an episode (or 15).
The good news is, there’s no missing episode. It’s just a major time jump, as the showrunners take a risk. They throw Claire into the future, taking us to the very end. We learn that Culloden’s events are never changed and Claire somehow ends up in the future at the stones. The big question is how does it all play out?
Episode 13: Dragonfly in Amber
Jumping from the premiere to the finale, “Dragonfly in Amber” has all the answers. Jamie makes the decision to send Claire to the future. He needs to keep his wife and unborn child safe, and this is the only option for him. After all, Claire has said multiple times that the Battle of Culloden will be the end of highland life. If she stays, she’d probably be killed or imprisoned for life.
It’s a beautiful episode, with plenty of drama and excitement. Fans watch as they put all their efforts into winning at Culloden. They see the devastation on Claire and Jamie’s faces as they separate. On top of that, they see the 1960s, as Brianna learns the truth about her mother’s time in the past, the standing stones and her real father.