Episode 8: The Fox’s Lair
Back in Scotland, Claire and Jamie realize they can’t stop the rebellion. They need to make sure it happens in style, so need Jamie’s grandfather’s help to make that happen. With all the rumors about Claire, she decides to use them to her advantage. Of course it doesn’t work well enough and Lord Lovat decides to side with Colum MacKenzie to create some sort of peace agreement.
While the episode was funny in parts, it was mostly one to set up future excitement. The vision was questionable, although did show just how bad at acting Claire is; making Balfe an excellent one.
Episode 6: Best Laid Schemes…
Jamie made a promise. He wouldn’t hurt Black Jack Randall for a year, ensuring Frank’s birth. However, Claire learns that he goes back on his word. The ending was the most exciting moment of the whole episode. Leading up to that, it was quite bland and forgettable.
What the episode does show is how far Jamie can be pushed. He completely breaks, which is unlike him. His anger is so prominent that he ignores the promise he made to Claire. Despite his wife’s pleads, he partakes in a dual, which is completely forbidden in Paris. This alone should have stopped Jamie, especially considering the task he and Claire had, but he couldn’t see past the red.