#OutanderALN took place again on Tuesday, with three Outlander writers answering the fans’ burning questions.
Fan questions burned like Claire’s fever at the end of “Uncharted.” Outlander writers Karen Campbell, Shannon Gloss, and Toni Graphia took to Twitter on Tuesday night to answer as many questions as they could. Of course, questions such as the reality of the snakes and ants have already been answered (yes, they were all real), but there are some questions that only the writers on a Tuesday can answer.
Here’s a look at just some of the answers given.

What did the beetles represent?
One fan was curious about the beetles in the episode. They were a way to bring up the Abandawe sacred cave again, which is going to come up in the next episode. However, they were also something important for the priest himself. Father Fogden used them as a ritual to say goodbye to his precious goats.
Father Fogden gives the beetle treatment to all of his beloved goats who perish. The goat skulls above Claire's head where she bathed are where we saw the skulls of Fogden's goats. #OutlanderALN https://t.co/Z44lFpNzVr
— Outlander Writers (@OutlanderWriter) November 29, 2017
That line between Hayes and Leslie
Who else laughed out loud when Hayes and Leslie talked about Claire showing up in the strangest of places? It was one of the best moments of the episode, and it turs out Karen Campbell wrote it. It looks like the line was almost cut out at one point, so it’s good to see it remained. It also turns out to be one of Karen’s favorite moments from the whole episode. The two actors certainly pulled the line off well.
Karen. Thanks for being amused. Made her laugh as well. It was in an earlier draft and added the couplet back the day we were shooting the scene. #OutlanderALN https://t.co/q5aflq9hkW
— Outlander Writers (@OutlanderWriter) November 29, 2017
Karen's favorite scene is Lesley & Hayes on the beach wondering how MacDubh's wife is always showing up! #OutlanderALN https://t.co/EQ2C43TBpT
— Outlander Writers (@OutlanderWriter) November 29, 2017
A stunt double was used
While the fire ants and snake were real, Caitriona Balfe didn’t film all her scenes. But it wasn’t the snake and ant scenes that involved the stunt double. It was actually the scene in the water, when the wave almost drowns the passed out Claire. In Sam Heughan’s Q&A in the previous week, he did say that he and Balfe try to do as many of their own stunts as possible. There are times that health and safety gets in the way and their stunt doubles need to step in. It’s not surprising that this was one of those cases.
With our Frog Squad -- great group of underwater camera operators and Malin -- our fearless "Claire" stunt double. #OutlanderALN https://t.co/8l0ChGs9QM
— Outlander Writers (@OutlanderWriter) November 29, 2017
Why so much of Claire in the jungle?
It’s a question a lot of fans have. Not everyone was happen about half of the Outlander episode focusing on Claire wandering through the jungle. It was something that could have been shortened, especially when there are so many other scenes that could have been longer. However, the writers and showrunners made their decision and explained why in the Twitter Q&A on Tuesday.
One of the joys of adapting this book is having the freedom and opportunity to expand on certain sections. We loved the idea of spending time with Claire as she had to put her survival skills to good use. #OutlanderALN https://t.co/bvTCk9B3yV
— Outlander Writers (@OutlanderWriter) November 29, 2017
In some ways it is easier as there are tentpoles to grasp on to, but in other ways it's more challenging because you want to fit it all in, but just can't. #OutlanderALN https://t.co/h7OFIri01i
— Outlander Writers (@OutlanderWriter) November 29, 2017
We would have loved to shoot a Claire vs. pirate showdown, but your supposition is correct, we had time/story constraints. #OutlanderALN https://t.co/btlp5b9O34
— Outlander Writers (@OutlanderWriter) November 29, 2017
But for those wondering about why it didn’t take Claire three days to get back to the beach to find Jamie, the question was answered. It was actually one of the answers I’d previously figured out.
It was a different beach on a different part of the island. #OutlanderALN https://t.co/2y4e6lo6Yt
— Outlander Writers (@OutlanderWriter) November 29, 2017
Favorite scenes for the writers
While Karen admitted that her own scene was one of her favorites, Toni and Shannon had other scenes that they loved more. As many would expect, the wedding scene with Fergus and Jamie definitely came up as a favorite, but there are others that may surprise you.
Toni G's favorite scenes are Claire talking to Coco & Jamie giving Fergus his name. #OutlanderALN https://t.co/EQ2C43TBpT
— Outlander Writers (@OutlanderWriter) November 29, 2017
Shannon's favorite scene is TURTLE SOUP! :) #OutlanderALN https://t.co/EQ2C43TBpT
— Outlander Writers (@OutlanderWriter) November 29, 2017
And for those wondering, Toni is going to write another episode! In fact, she has the season3 finale and a season 4 episode she’s currently working on, so don’t despair!
Are you ready for another episode of Outlander? There are just two episodes left of the season and plenty to happen in Jamaica. Share the moments you’re most looking forward to in the comments below.
Next: 5 best Claire moments in Outlander season 3, episode 11
Outlander season 3 continues on Sunday at 8/7c on Starz. Don’t forget to like Claire and Jamie on Facebook for answers to more of your burning questions.