Top 7 Murtagh Moments!

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Outlander- Starz

The moment you realize Murtagh is brilliant.

Not only did he hatch a plan to find Jamie, it worked. The outcome wasn’t as he or Claire would have liked- Jamie ended up being captured by the Redcoats while trying to reconnect with Murtagh and Claire, but never mind that. When Claire puts her foot down, demanding to look for Jamie, Murtagh flashes his brilliance: They need to make themselves as conspicuous as possible. So, with a plan in mind and an entire country to search, Claire and Murtagh begin putting on a show for villagers, singing and dancing and reading palms. It’s actually a band of gypsies that ruin it all for them, but eventually Claire and Jamie are reunited and it simply would not have been possible without Murtagh.

Next: Do as I Say, Not as I Do