Hello, My Name is Sarah, and I’m an ‘Outlander’ Addict

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I first got my hands on an ‘Outlander’ novel at the tender age of 13, and since then I’ve been devouring every word Diana Gabaldon writes. When the TV show was announced, after being optioned countless times, I thought I was going to die of complete happiness.

Hello, my name is Sarah, and I’m an ‘Outlander’ addict.

If you’re here, I’m guessing it’s because you’re interested in Outlander. Maybe you started with the books and were hooked. Maybe you’ve only watched the show. Regardless, we welcome you to the newest and greatest site dedicated to all things Outlander!

As an introduction to the site, I thought I’d tell you all why I love Outlander. One of the reasons the books and and now the TV show is so popular is because of the cultish following and diversity of the fans. We could all probably ramble off 37 reasons why we love Outlander, but I’m going to give you my top 10.

Leave me your reasons in the comments!

Next: #10: The Books