2. Claire admits she can’t help
Something I was looking forward to was seeing Claire and Denny working together. We got to see that in Outlander Season 7, Episode 5, and it worked out the same way as in the book. The patient was Walter Woodcock. His wife will come up later.
After amputating his leg, Fort Ticonderoga needs to be evacuated. However, Walter can’t be moved. I think Claires of the past would have tried everything to help him. However, she has matured considerably and she knows that moving Walter would kill him as well as put many others at risk.
Instead, she offers him a sense of hope. The British should help him, but she’s clearly given him enough laudanum to drink if he thinks he needs it. She didn’t want to leave him, but she really had no choice.
1. Young Ian meets Swiftest of Lizards
For such a long time, Young Ian has feared that he can’t have children. His wife left him because they kept losing children, and he was left with so many doubts and concerns. Claire did help him feel a little better when he learned he had to go back to the Mohawk village, but it was a moment in the Mohawk village that stands out the most in this episode.
It’s all about Ian meeting Swiftest of Lizards. There is no denying from the look of the kid that this is Young Ian’s son. The show got such a great actor for this moment.
I think my favorite moment was Emily asking Ian to give him a white name, hinting that at some point the young boy will end up in the world of the white people. Ian doesn’t miss a beat giving the boy the name Ian James.