Outlander Book Club: A Breath of Snow and Ashes Chapter 8 breakdown

Outlander Season 5 -- Courtesy of STARZ
Outlander Season 5 -- Courtesy of STARZ
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Outlander Season 6, OUtlander Season 5 dvd Colin McFarlane - Outlander Season 8
Outlander Season 5 — Courtesy of STARZ

Foreshadowing in the Outlander chapter

There isn’t that much foreshadowing in this chapter. Really, it’s just setting up a new plot for a new character. It’s giving Jamie and Claire someone else to help, someone who will become a good person to have around.

Adapting A Breath of Snow and Ashes chapter

It all comes down to the adaptation. We haven’t seen Bobby Higgins brought into the show yet. That doesn’t mean we won’t see him show up some time in Outlander Season 6. After all, the Christies were introduced in the books in The Fiery Cross, but they’re not coming into the show until Season 6.

Will the way Bobby turns up change? During Outlander Season 5, we saw Lord John Grey take Ulysses as his servant to get Ulysses out of the colonies. Ulysses had killed a man and would be hanged for that regardless of the circumstances. Jamie didn’t want that to happen so asked Lord John Grey to help with the situation.

Bobby Higgins is John’s servant in the books. Now, there is always the chance that Ulysses goes off on his own when he gets to England. John could then still take on Higgins as a servant in some way. We also know that John is back in Outlander Season 6, so it certainly opens the door to Higgins becoming John’s servant and turning up at the Ridge.

This does depend on whether the show will bring in some of the storylines from the seventh book. Higgins is connected to Amy McCallum at the end of A Breath of Snow and Ashes and their storyline continues in An Echo in the Bone.

I’d personally love to see Bobby included, but I understand if he isn’t. It would mean finding an actor for a role that isn’t needed all the time, and definitely not that much during the storylines from the sixth book. However, I would love to see the show include someone else who Jamie can turn to in a time of need and fully trust with his life since we didn’t get Duncan Innes.

What did you spot while reading A Breath of Snow and Ashes Chapter 8? Let us know in the comments below.

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