2. Discussions of the attack
There are two moments that actually join into one in Outlander Season 2, Episode 5. They both involve Jamie and are discussions of the attack.
We first have Claire explaining the attack and what she saw. This is when “La Dame Blanche” comes up, and why she’s been given this nickname. It’s all thanks to Jamie. Claire’s reaction is certainly appropriate considering everything that happened at Cranesmuir and the fact that the French king doesn’t like witches.
However, we get to see how suspicious the French people clearly are. They fear Claire because of the things Jamie has said.
The next is Murtagh’s reaction. He feels guilty for everything that happened but Jamie (and Claire) doesn’t blame him one bit. However, that doesn’t stop Jamie and Murtagh having the conversation about getting revenge. Again, it’s not something I agree with but this is the world the two live in and they want to get even.
1. Mary Hawkins shows her maturity and love
It would be easy for Mary to just want to shy away from everything that’s happened. She could leave France without looking back, leaving even Alex to rot in the Bastille. However, she doesn’t.
She steps up, not wanting to be a victim but wanting to be a mature young lady. She manages to set her feelings about the attack to one side to make sure an innocent man doesn’t go down for it.
At the same time, she’s able to see a positive that comes from the attack. Her engagement to the old guy is called off. She’s able to look forward to a choice in who she marries — and her wish is Alex Randall.
Yet, at the same time, we see her naivety. She’s worried about pregnancy as it’s clear she has no idea how pregnancy works. Of course, my question was how Claire knew that the rapist hadn’t finished.
What were your favorite moments from Outlander Season 2, Episode 5? Which moments stand out the most for you? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
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